
Saturday, November 22, 2014

"Plane" Views

I love to fly, and I think the reason has to do with its autonomy. Flying, to me, is almost like a different world. The airport is a different world as is the terminal and the plane.

I also like to fly because it gives me a chance to watch my fellow human beings. So, for your reading pleasure, here are some of my latest "plane" views from my last flight.

1. If you work in a terminal in an airport then you have the patience of Job.

2. I believe airplanes have gotten smaller, or we, human beings, have gotten larger.

3. You can tell a good pilot from a great one by the landing.

4. Talking to a stranger is becoming a lost art. but texting is becoming a major form of communication.

5. I wish my bedroom took off and landed because I always sleep so well on a plane.

6. Flight attendants are special people.

7. If you are going to fly wear shoes that you can slip on and off because you will take your shoes off every time.

8. If you are afraid of small places you better go to the restroom before getting on the plane.

9. The website is always correct regarding arrival and departure. I was on a plane and the departure time changed on the website to 6:30 instead of the normal time of 5:30. We were in the plane already. The Captain announced the change, but that he did not know about it. He indicated he was going to get us in the air earlier than 6:30. Well, a part had to be found first... then, something had to be re-charged... then passengers had to be paged. Well, we pulled away from the terminal at 6:30. The website always knows.

10. Do not, for one moment, think you can steal a window seat when that is not your seat. If you move before take off the last passenger on will have the seat you moved to... guaranteed. If you want a window seat request it.

There you go... some of my "plane" views from my last flight.

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