
Thursday, June 19, 2008

Life is hard...for all of us!

The older I get the harder the decisions in life get. It is hard to discern which road to take when both look so good, or, in some cases, look so poor. I can not imagine going through life without the Lord Jesus.

This week has been very hectic for many of us. One of us has to wait for news on a a five week old little boy's surgery. Another one of us had to go and watch her five year old grandchild go into surgery. Another had to come to a place of acceptance regarding a son's issues. Another received a call about a friend's sudden end. Another deals every day with the reality of cancer. And, then there is the work issues which are seldom easy, sometime divisive and always stressful, even in a Christian environment. Life does not get any easier, even for those of us in Christ.

Weeks like this remind me of how precious my faith is, and how it sustains me. I can get rolling along and become callous to the needs of God's people, but then God puts something in my way to remind me that it is not about me, but instead, it is always and only about Him. As the world spirals out of control, our goal, in Christ, is to let Him be in control of our lives despite the great temptation to do it on our own and in our own way. We all think our way is right, but it is His way that is always right and always true. And, seldom is it our way.

Yes, life is hard, but Christ is King! Weeks like this force me to sink to my knees and, again, lay it all at His throne. As you go about your day, please say a little pray for all of us here. There are many in our midst who really need it right now, including me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amen, Bro! Thanks for this very timely reminder.